The growth in the academisation of English schools and changes in the proportions of pupils identified as having SEN in different kinds of primary and secondary schools by school type between 2011-17


This paper aims to document the changes in school composition in England from 2011 to 2017 by school type (sponsored and converter academies vs. maintained schools) and school phase (primary vs. secondary); to document the speed of academisation by region; to examine the changes in the proportions of pupils with SEN Support and EHC Plan levels overall, and by the type of school and phase. The analysis in this study uses publicly available school level data from the National Pupil Database in England about pupils identified as having special educational needs. Using this longitudinal dataset of school level characteristics on special educational needs and academisation, we were able to study the trends in academisation and educational inclusion in England. This study will be the first to document changes in the organisation of all primary and secondary English schools, from maintained to ordinary academy or free schools and the proportion of pupils with an identified SEN in these schools . The findings have significance for national and local policy review in the context of international moves towards greater inclusive education.
